Here are some ways your church can get involved:
1. Sermons
2. Small groups
3. Vacation Bible School activities
4. Plays, musicals
5. Youth groups
6. Annual Creation Sunday
7. Church school activities
See more ideas below
At Creation Celebration, we believe that it's never too early to start learning about God's creation. Here are some ideas to help instill an appreciation for God's wonder in the child in all of us:
1. Art projects involving nature
2. Vacation Bible School activities
3. Sunday school activities
4. Creating songs, plays about God's creation.
See more below
1. To spend time in 2025 in giving glory to God as Creator of His beautiful creation.
2. To spend time in 2025 acknowledging that God's wise and orderly creation could not have happened by accident.
3. To help people understand that evolution is nothing more than what it is - just a theory.
4. To express what may be for some, a greater degree of love for God as Creator.

Resources & Activities
Planning ideas for your celebration!
1. Write a song
2. Use the Creation Celebration artwork to make shirts, yard flags, posters, bumper stickers, pins
2. Trip to a nature museum. (Two are the Wonder Center & Science Museum in Dickson, TN and the Ark & Creation Museum in Williamstown, KY.)
3. Animal puppet show
4. Good books supporting creation
5. Make a collection of nature objects - leaves, shells, rocks, fossils, feathers
6. Wonderful videos of sights and sounds of nature
7. Collection of pictures of specific groupings from nature - mushrooms, ferns, butterflies, fish, bugs, etc.
8. Have a contest to see who can write down the most objects of nature (animals, vegetables or minerals) in certain number of minutes.
9. Frame and hang beautiful nature pictures.
10. Nature PowerPoint or slide show
11. Draw a picture or create your own artwork showing something created by God. And then have an art show.
12. Write and perform a creation play or musical. (One possible theme - How wonderful it was to be created by God!)
13. Research some part of nature that shows the plan/order and could not have just happened randomly.
14. Pray often! Praising God for a beautiful, marvelous, orderly creation!
15. Sermon series on creation
16. Podcasts, dvds, or cds on creation lectures. (Ex. Moody Science Adventures)
17. Other creative ideas
Creation Songs of Worship
1. A New Annointing
2. All Creatures of Our God and King
3. All Things Bright and Beautiful
4. All Things Praise Thee
5. America the Beautiful
6. Blessed Be Your Name
7. Blue Skies and Rainbows
8. Come, Let Us Worship and Bow Down
9. Day is Done (Taps)
10. Day is Dying in the West
11. Fairest Lord Jesus
12. For the Beauty of the Earth
13. Hallelujah Praise Jehovah
14. How Great Thou Art
15. I Come to the Garden Alone
16. I Sing the Mighty Power of God
17. Let Every Heart Rejoice and Sing
18. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
19. Praise the Lord
20. Spacious Firmament on High
21. This Is My Father's World
22. Walking Alone At Eve
Scriptures that fit with the study of creation
Genesis 1:1-31
Job 12:7-10, 26:7-10
Psalms 19:1-6, 89:37; 90:1-2, 96:9-13, 104:1-25, 145:3-8
Proverbs 3:5-6, 30:24-28
Isaiah 26:4, 40:12-31; esp. 27
Habakkuk 2:18-20
Acts 14:15-17, 17:22-30
Romans 1:18-21, 8:20-22
Ephesians 6:10-17
The Bible repeatedly warns of the absolute need to follow truth wherever it leads and to defend it:
Isaiah 1:18
John 8:32
Acts 26:25
1Thessalonians 5:21
1 Timothy 1:18, 6:12
1 Peter 3:15
1 John 4:1
"Campfire" songs of creation
What a Wonderful World
- Louis Armstrong
Wind Beneath My Wings
- Bette Midler
This Land Is Your Land
- Woody Guthrie
Green River
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
- Peter, Paul and Mary
Sunshine on My Shoulders
- John Denver
Take Me Home Country Roads
- John Denver
Rocky Mountain High
- John Denver
Other Resources
Scopes Monkey Trial Interview Creation Science Movement (CSM)
J.D. Boren interviewed by Mike Gibson P.O.Box 888
Science Dept. Oklahoma Christian College Portsmouth, P01
August 21, 1979 9Hu
United Kingdom
DVDs Email-csmoffice@tiscali.co.uk
Marty Stouffer’s Wild America
50 minutes
1991 Marty Stouffer Productions, Ltd.
Moody Institute of Science
Children’s Science Adventures, Multiple titles available
Reasons to Believe, Eric Lyons & Kyle Butt
Apologetics Press Inc., Copyright 2017
In the Hands of God
A Historical Novel by Victor Allen, Copyright 1974
A Matter of Fact, by Kyle Butt
A look at more evidence for Christianity
Apologetics Press, Copyright 2002
The Source, Eternal Design, or Infinite Accident
By John Clayton, Copyright 1983
Prepare to Answer, A Defense of the Christian Faith
By Rubel Shelly, 21st Century Christian Copyright 1990
Facts and Faith, Volume 1, Reason, Science, and Faith
By J.D. Thomas, PhD.
Abilene Christian College, Biblical Research Press Copyright 1965
The Case for a Creator, by Lee Strobel
Zondervan, Copyright 2004
Reason & Revelation Monthly
Apologetics Press
August 2023 Volume 43-#8
September 2023 Volume 43-#9
March 2024 Volume 44-#3
February 2024 Volume 44-#2
Does God Exist?
P.O. Box 2704
South Bend, Indiana 46680

Creation Related Museums
Akron Fossils & Science Center
2080 So. Cleveland-Massillon Rd., Copley, OH
44321 (330) 665-3466 Akronfossils.org
The Ark Encounter
1 Ark Encounter Dr., Williamstown, KY 41097
(859) 727-2222 Arkencoounter.com
Big Valley Creation Science Museum
41 Railway Ave. S, Big Valley, Alberta Canada
1-(403) 876-2100 Bvcsm.com
Boneyard Creation Museum
1709 SE St., Broken Bow, NE 68822
(308) 390-5113 Boneyardcreationmuseum.org
Creation Discovery Museum
2200 SW 10th St., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
(954) 771-1652 Creationstudies.org
Creation Museum & Family Discovery Cntr.
2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd., Petersburg, KY 41080
(888)582-4253 Creationmuseum.org
Creation and Earth History Museum
10946 Woodside Ave. N, Santee, CA 92071
(619) 599-104 Creationsd.org
Creation Kingdom Zoo
1692 Snowflake Rd., Gate City, VA 24251
(276) 479-1910 Creationkingdomzoo.com
Creation Adventures Museum
1220 W. Imogene St., Arcadia, FL 34266-3320
(863) 558-1395 Creationadventuresmuseum.org
Creation Evidence Museum of Texas
3102 Fm 205, Glen Rose, TX 76043
(254) 897-3200 Creationevidence.org
Creation Orlando!
7212 Sandscove Court, Winter Park, FL
(800) 854-5840 CreationOrlando.com
Creation Science Centre
770 Don Mills Rds. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1-(416)- 696-1000 Ontariosciencecentre.ca
The Dinosaur Encounter
246 Hio Ridge Road, Bridgton, Maine 04009
(207) 647-9027 Visitcreation.org
Discovery Center Science Museum
810 Butternut St., Abilene, TX 79602
(325) 673- 5050 Evidences.org
Discovery Center/Institute of Creation Research
1830 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX 75229
(800) 743-6374 Discoverycenter.icr.org
Genesis Expo
17-18 The Hard, Portsmouth United Kingdom
44-23-9229-3988 Csm.org.uk
Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum
139 State St., Glendive, Montana 59330
(406) 377-3228 Creationtruth.org
Grand River Museum
114 10th St. W, Lemmon, SD 57638-2202
(605) 374-7574 Thegrandrivermuseum.com
Heart of America Science Resource Center
312 E. US Highway 54/400, Haviland, Kansas
(620) 862-5654 Hoasrc.com
Institute of Creation Research/ Discovery Center
1830 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX 75229
(800) 743-6374 Discoverycenter.icr.org

Jurassic Ark
108 Sykes Rd. Bells Bridge Queensland,
Australia 4570
61-488-098-130 Jurassicark.com.au
Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum
124 W. Main St., Crosbyton, TX 79322
(806)675-7777 Whichmuseum.com
Mount St. Helens Creation Center
147 Front Ave. NW, Castle Rock, WA 98611
(360) 274-5737 Mshcreationcenter.org
Northwest Science Museum
1831 N. Wildwood St., Boise, Idaho 83704
(208) 972-6288 Visitcreation.org
Northwest Treasures
18421 10th Dr. SE, Bothell, Washington 98012
(425) 488-6848 Northwestrockandfossil.com
Wonders Center and Science Museum
855 Highway 46 S., Dickson, TN 37055
(931) 212-7990 Wonderscenter.org
Wyatt Archaeological Museum
2502 Lynnville Hwy., Cornersville, TN 37047
(931) 293-4745--- Open by appointment only
Wyatt Museum.com
Spreading the Word
The following are the states/countries that I know have at least one Creation Celebration packet in hand. They have also been asked to spread this message as far as they are able. We assume the Spirit is guiding them in that effort.
Alabama Hawaii New Jersey
Alaska Ireland New York
Arkansas Kentucky Oregon
Colorado Mississippi Tennessee
Florida Missouri Texas
Georgia Nebraska Virginia
Please help us to find other believers that will willingly help get this message out especially in the states not yet on our list. Please mail these names and addresses to me. We cannot cover the USA and other parts of our world without enthusiastic support.
Prayerfully asking,
Buzzy Neil
4600 Dustin Lane
Nashville, Tennessee 37220
Names and addresses of new contacts: